I am a small business and I want to buy, and import bags from China, and sell them to my country.
Bags is a very good business because are an integral part of a woman’s life. Bags are an essential part of our daily lives, especially for women. This means that bags are in high demand all over the globe. Wholesale suppliers are essential if you want to start a bag business online or offline. China is a top exporter of wholesale bags, so it is worth considering.
Which market is the most competitive in the world? Obviously, China. Many companies enter China without understanding the bag trends in China and the high level of competition. China is home to the most competitors per category. For luxury bags, there will be between 5 and 10 times as many competitors in China as they would face in their home markets. You must keep current with Chinese trends if you want to be a leader within your market. We will show you how to navigate the Chinese leather goods market, including luxury bags.
The Luxury Bags Market in China: Key Figures
The combination of design and marketing is what makes a bag a success in China. If you are able to understand the culture and preferences of your customers, it could be a great place to start. The average handbag purchase is 3 435EUR (27.000 RMB). The handbag is a key accessory for Chinese consumer to display their purchasing power.
Many luxury brands plan to launch its bag. This phenomenon is difficult to predict in China. This is because the primary criteria for purchasing leather goods products are Design (56%), Brand (47%), and Materials (45%). Chinese consumers are sensitive to design trends, KOLs recommendations, and private social groups. They also appreciate user-generated content on Little Red Book.
China’s wholesale market for bags offers many products such as school bags, handbags, and luggage. These are the top reasons to buy wholesale bags from China.
Bags made in China are very affordable
The majority of products made in China are cheap. You will still be able to negotiate the lowest price for every product that you require. To make a profit, you can resell the bags at a higher cost after you have imported them.
Get your wholesale bags from one supplier
Wholesalers of bags usually sell many different types of bags or a variety of the same type. It is easy to find a supplier that offers all types of bags for your business. They can supply the quantity that you require at a reasonable price.
There are many unique bags available in the country
China manufacturers and suppliers of canvas bags wholesale are constantly releasing new bags. You will find an exclusive and unique bag every time you visit China for shopping. You can always offer your customers unique products by Importing from China
High-Quality Bags
Many people think that China’s products are low-quality. This is false. To ensure high quality, every product imported from China must pass a quality control process. This ensures that you can always buy high-quality, wholesale tote bags made in China at a reasonable price.
China offers both off-the-shelf and private-label products. Wholesale China brown paper bag suppliers have two options: off-the-shelf and private label. The bags that the supplier keeps in stock are called off-the-shelf bags. Bags are often supplier-branded or unbranded. Private labeling, on the other hand, allows the manufacturer to make goods that meet your requirements. Your name will appear on the packaging and bag. You can select the products that best suit your needs.
Factories of bags in China
Factories are one of the best places to buy cheap wholesale bags in China. You will need to select a factory carefully, as every business is different. Finding reliable suppliers can be difficult. There are many suppliers that have a high minimum order quantity (MOQ), while others may offer products at prices beyond your budget. Before you begin looking for suppliers, it is important to understand your business model. You should assess your market and determine the amount of your first order. If you choose a factory or supplier that meets your needs, you will reap the benefits.
Bags Wholesale Markets
It is not easy to find reliable suppliers of wholesale bags in China. Foreigners often choose to source duffle bags from China factories or attend trade fairs to avoid these challenges. For individuals who are starting their own businesses, a Chinese wholesale market is a great option.
Wholesale markets in China offer almost any type of bag that you might need. China has wholesale markets in nearly every province. This means you can easily find reliable suppliers. These are some other reasons to shop wholesale markets when you next shop.
One-Stop Shopping Solution
All types of bags are available at the markets. You won’t have to go to two wholesale markets. It is possible to buy handbags for women, school bags, luggage, and wallets all in one place.
Minimum Order Quantity
Wholesale markets have a lower minimum order requirement than buying directly from Chinese factories and fairs. You can also buy products from multiple suppliers and combine them into one container to save shipping costs.
Competent Prices
China has many wholesale markets for bags. They are located near factories. You will find many suppliers in all markets. This allows you to compare prices and avoid high-priced items.
- 5 Chinese Bag Industrial Clusters
Guangzhou is China’s largest bag manufacturing cluster, including Huadu and Sanliyuan. Guangzhou is the capital of China’s leather goods. Guangzhou is also known for its entire bag industry chain. It has a large-scale raw material market, skilled workers and advanced factories.
It is close to Hong Kong, which has a rapid development. The bag styles here are fashionable and extensive. Because of their high quality, bags made in Guangzhou are quite expensive. It is therefore a great place to purchase high-end bags, such as premium leather handbags in Guangzhou.
Zhejiang Province is China’s second-largest leather bag producer. It produces 25% of China’s leather bag production. Ruian and Dongyang are the main bag manufacturing clusters in Zhejiang.
Pinghu’s third pillar industry is bag manufacturing. This is where the majority of China’s biggest luggage manufacturers are located. It is therefore a reliable choice if you are looking for luggage or other bags.
Cangnan is a trusted choice if you are looking for wholesale suppliers of canvas bags or cosmetic bags from China. Cangnan, also known as China’s Printing City, is skilled at customizing canvas bags.
Baigou is a city located in Hebei Province and is known as the capital of Suitcase and Bag China. It is home to one of China’s largest bag factories and has a long history in leather bag manufacturing.
Baigou produces bags at a lower price, but with a less stable quality than Yiwu. Baigou’s bag manufacturing industry will be more competitive as the skills of its workers improve.
Quanzhou is a city in Fujian Province that manufactures bags, clothing, and other products. It is now a major manufacturer of leisure and sports bags.
Quanzhou does not have an integrated industry chain so materials and other supplies were required from other provinces. This means that bags manufactured in Quanzhou are more expensive than those made elsewhere.
In addition, bag manufacturing is growing in other areas, leading to a rise in labor costs, which in turn leads to high prices in Quanzhou. However, the main export market for bags is the low-end markets abroad.
Baiyun World
There are also more than 20 large-scale markets for leather in the area. Baiyun World Leder Trading Center, for example, is a great place where you can buy quality replica handbags for ladies.
Baigou Bag Wholesale Market He Bei Bai Gou Xiang Bao Pi Fa Shi Chang
Baigou, as mentioned earlier, is one of China’s largest hubs for bag manufacturing. It is also home to the largest number of leatherwear producers in the northeast region of China.
The business area now covers more than 34,000 sq. meters. There are 30,000 booths and more than 20k daily passengers. It is divided into three distinct districts, each on a different floor.
It focuses on bags made by native brands. It also includes bags from many well-known brands, both at home and abroad. It stocks a variety of stock and suitcase bags on the third floor.
Yiwu Suitcases & Bags Wholesale Market Yi Wu Xiang Bao Pi Fa Shi Chang
It is located at Yiwu International Trade City, which is the largest global wholesale market for small commodities. District 2 is the bag and suitcase market. It has five districts. It’s also a smart decision to purchase a few cheap bags in Yiwu.
Nantai Suitcases & Bags Wholesale Market Liao Zhu Nan Tai Xiang Bao Pi Fa Shi Chang
It was found in Liaoning in the northeastern part of China. It is one of the three largest bag markets in China. It was established in 1980. It has an area of over 1,2000 square meters, 2000 booths, and more than 20,000 passengers per day. It also wholesales over 4,000 different types of bags. The area also has an excellent public transport system. It wholesales bags to all countries, including Russia, South Africa, and Romania.
How do I buy bags from China?
Be sure to choose the right bag
There are more than 100 different types of bags available. Before you decide which bags you want, it is important to determine the type of bag you will be purchasing.
Look for bags that have interesting and attractive designs. You should also pay attention to the specifications of bags as they can impact the price of your purchase in terms of shipping costs, tax, and so on.
Suppliers of bag Manufacturers
Knowing 5 China bag industry clusters and knowing the type of bags that you require will help you find the best supplier.
You can shop from many different online platforms such as AliExpress and Alibaba, Made in China or Global Sources, DHgate, eBay, Alibaba, and eBay. Here are some tips to help you choose from these websites.
If you are looking for a trendy bag to carry around, AliExpress and eBay are two popular B2C platforms. There is a clear difference between the two platforms. Most of the suppliers on AliExpress come from China, while eBay is not certain.
You also have many options for wholesale bags, such as Alibaba and Made in China. Wholesale bags are available on all these websites. You can choose which one you like best.
Alibaba is the world’s largest wholesale site. A detailed product description, including images and video, is available. The product view also includes information about the suppliers. Made In China is a less popular search result, but it has many photos and a detailed product description.
You can wholesale from a small to medium-sized business using DHgate. The big difference between the two is the lack of MOQ information in AliExpress, while bags on DHgate will display the wholesale price.
You can use a sourcing agent to find reliable suppliers for your bags if you are having trouble deciding. Jingsourcing is a top sourcing agent in Yiwu, and is home to one of the largest China bag clusters. Many businesses can use their services to source bags and customize them at extremely competitive prices from China. To get assistance, you can reach their sourcing specialists.
Three tips to help you choose a supplier worth your cooperation
You don’t have to shop anywhere or make purchases online. These are some tips that will help you cooperate with Chinese suppliers better.
Effective communication is crucial in international trade. For better communication, you can either send instant messages online or request an email, Skype or WeChat. It is possible to work with a supplier that can communicate with you regularly.
Find a responsible supplier. There must be unavoidable issues during production. Responsible suppliers will work with them, not pass the buck. You can judge if the supplier is willing to work with you by their attitude toward solving problems.
The third thing you should do is review the supplier data. A business license is required to select a bag manufacturer. You can also find the location of the China bag factory by looking at the supplier data. This will allow you to determine if the area is within the bag industrial cluster.
Check reviews on suppliers to see if they have received positive or negative feedback. This is a great tool to get a general overview of a supplier.
Arrange shipment & logistics in 2022
For newcomers with no import experience, international shipping can be complicated. Most suppliers will assist you in choosing the shipping solution that is best for your needs.
You can choose your freight forwarder by yourself. You need to find a reliable freight forwarder by filtering suppliers. It takes a lot of time to find the right freight forwarder.
My advice is to ask your supplier about shipping before you are familiar with all the shipping options. Although the shipping fees may seem a bit steep, they won’t cause you to worry about the goods.